Create an image of Mima Kirigoe, the iconic character from "Perfect Blue," depicted as a striking anime girl. She stands in a dimly lit, urban environment, with neon lights casting vibrant hues of blue and pink across her figure. Mima's expressive eyes, a deep emerald green, reflect a mix of determination and vulnerability, drawing the viewer into her complex persona. Her long, flowing black hair cascades down her shoulders, slightly tousled, suggesting a recent emotional turmoil. She wears a stylish, form-fitting outfit that blends elements of pop idol fashion with a hint of darkness—think a sleek black crop top paired with a high-waisted skirt, accented by a delicate lace choker. The background features blurred silhouettes of a bustling city, evoking a sense of isolation amidst chaos. Use a cinematic angle, capturing her in a three-quarter view, with soft, dramatic lighting highlighting her face, creating a moody, introspective atmosphere that resonates with the theme of identity and transformation.
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