Create a striking portrait of Enrico Fermi, the renowned physicist, set against a backdrop of a 1940s laboratory filled with intricate scientific apparatus. Capture Fermi as a middle-aged man with sharp, intelligent features, his deep-set eyes reflecting curiosity and determination. He is dressed in a classic, tailored suit, slightly rumpled from long hours of work, with a white shirt and a thin tie. The warm, ambient lighting casts gentle shadows, highlighting the contours of his face and the clutter of books and papers around him. Include details like a chalkboard filled with complex equations and a vintage radio in the corner, evoking a sense of intense intellectual pursuit. The composition should balance Fermi's figure on one side, with the lab's chaotic energy swirling around him, creating a mood of focused brilliance and scientific discovery. Use a soft color palette with earthy tones, enhancing the nostalgic atmosphere of a pivotal era in physics.
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