Create an illustration of Kyo Sohma from "Fruits Basket," reimagined as an anime girl. She stands confidently in a sun-drenched, lush garden, surrounded by vibrant cherry blossom trees in full bloom, their pink petals gently cascading around her like confetti. Her hair is a striking shade of orange, cascading in soft waves down her shoulders, adorned with a delicate headband featuring small, blooming flowers. She wears a stylish, fitted kimono with intricate patterns of traditional Japanese motifs, blending shades of orange and white, cinched at the waist with a contrasting obi. Kyo’s expressive amber eyes sparkle with determination and warmth, capturing her spirited personality. The sunlight filters through the branches, casting dappled shadows on her face, enhancing her youthful features. The background includes a serene koi pond, reflecting the vibrant colors of the scene, and a gentle breeze creates a sense of motion, bringing the whole composition to life with an enchanting, whimsical atmosphere.
아래의 네 가지 간단한 단계를 따라 이미지 프롬프트로 완벽한 이미지를 만들어보세요.
1단계: 텍스트 입력 (더 나은 결과를 위해 프롬프트를 조정하세요.)
2단계: 이미지 비율 선택
3단계: 선호하는 AI 이미지 모델 선택
4단계: 생성 버튼을 클릭하고 몇 초 기다리세요.