Create a dynamic anime scene featuring Armin Arlert from "Attack on Titan," set against a dramatic backdrop of a crumbling cityscape under a twilight sky. Armin stands at the forefront, his determined expression illuminated by the warm glow of a setting sun, casting long shadows that emphasize his resolve. His iconic Survey Corps uniform, complete with a green cloak billowing in the wind, is rendered with intricate details, showcasing the textures of the fabric and the gleam of metal on his gear. In the background, colossal titans loom ominously, their grotesque forms partially obscured by swirling clouds of dust and debris, creating a sense of impending danger. The atmosphere is charged with tension, enhanced by contrasting cool and warm tones that evoke a sense of urgency. The composition should highlight Armin's bravery as he clutches a map, symbolizing his strategic mind, while the depth of field subtly blurs the titans, focusing on his expression of courage and determination.
Sigue estos cuatro pasos sencillos para crear tu imagen perfecta usando un prompt de imagen.
Paso 1: Ingresa tu texto (Si lo deseas, ajusta tu prompt para obtener mejores resultados)
Paso 2: Selecciona la relación de aspecto de la imagen
Paso 3: Elige tu modelo de IA de imágenes preferido
Paso 4: Haz clic en el botón Generar y espera unos segundos para tu imagen.